Venturas Lina PDF Print

Lina Venturas

Professor of History and Sociology of Migration

Department of Social and Educational Policy
University of the Peloponnese - Greece

Contact details:

Address: Department of Social and Educational Policy
University of Peloponnese

Kolokotroni and Damaskinou
21000 Korinthos
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Phone: +302741074353      

Office hours:

Monday 10-11.30 a.m.
Thursday 10-11.30 a.m.

Lina Venturas is a Professor at the Social and Educational Policy Department of the University of Peloponnese, where she teaches history and sociology of migration. She has studied history and sociology in France and Belgium. Using historical and sociological approaches her current research focuses on migrations, diaspora, sending states’ policies, transnationalism and International Organizations. She has published articles and books and has edited special issues and volumes on migration, diaspora and border issues. The Committee on Hellenic Studies of Princeton University accorded her a Visiting Research Fellowship at Princeton University (12/2000-1/2001). She was the academic director of two research projects examining the history of Greek emigration funded by the University of Thrace and the Cultural Foundation of the Piraeus Bank and has participated in other research projects studying representations of the ethnic 'self' and the ethnic 'other' in the Greek educational system funded by the EU. She also participated in a reform act set up by the Greek Ministry of Education concerning the education of Muslim children in Thrace. She was a member of a research team studying the Social Impact of Emigration and Rural-Urban Migration in Central and Eastern Europe (Gesellschaft für Versicherungswissenschaft und -gestaltung e.V. (GVG) funded by the European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affaires and Equal Opportunities. Currently she is the principle investigator in a 36 months Research Program on Migration Management and International Organizations: A history of the establishment of the International Organization for Migration funded by the European Social Fund and National Resources.

Click to download full curriculum vitae