Penitentiary Institutions PDF Print

ΚKΠ8 - Penitentiary Institutions

Tutor: Vassilis Karydis

ECTS: 4.5

Short Description:

Penitentiary Science examines the organization and function of the prison system, i.e. the system of execution of sentences against freedom, extending from confinement to alternative community sentencing.

The course will be comprised of three units- sections, as follows:

  • The legitimacy and legality of imprisonment
  • Penitentiary systems: historical and architectural approach
  • Treatment and rights of prisoners – General principles of Greek Penitentiary Law


This course focuses on the study of the Greek Penitentiary Law that determines the structure of the prison system, regulates the operation of Detention Centres and provides for a variety of institutions, such as parole, leave of absence, particular prisoners’ rights, etc.

Learning Outcomes:

Students should be able to understand in depth the substance and purpose of punishment and prison policy in general, the penitentiary models as well as the abolitionist perspective.


13 three-hour lectures


Written or oral exams after the end of the semester.Another 10% for the preparation/ presentation of papers on a voluntary basis


Alexiadis, S. (2001), Penitentiary Science, Sakkoulas, Athens.
Karydis V. & Fytrakis E. (2011), Penal Detention and Rights: The Ombudsman's Perspective. Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens.