Citizenship and Migration Print

Citizenship and Migration – 6 ECTS

Lambros Baltsiotis

Course description

In our days, citizenship debates have become highly topical in states of migrant destination. The issue in terms of public policy and social research has more or less to do with the modalities of nationality acquisition by first, second or even third generation migrants. However, this is only one aspect of the whole citizenship theoretical debate: if one focuses only on that aspect due to the obvious importance it has acquired today in Europe, then risks missing the whole picture which is, in the long run, shaped by the particular self perception that the national community, the body politic, forms for itself. It is all about the identity of “We, the people”. Citizenship debates illuminate state ideologies, administrative practices and legal norms forming the hard core of power relations in every society. Citizenship should then be perceived as a differentiating concept: it includes through exclusion as it is always based on particularistic considerations regarding access to membership. Further more though, several forms of quasi-citizenship are developed alongside with new legal notions regarding links with the host country such as the notion of “strong country ties”.  This is par excellence the case for migrants who claim the nationality of the state they live in.


The aim of the course is to raise such questions from the contemporary debate and institutional developments on citizenship and migration in Greece and Europe through a comparative interdisciplinary approach based on political theory, historical understanding and legal analysis.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the seminars, students will be able to:

  • Be aware of historical, legal and political data concerning the development of citizenship in Greece and Europe.
  • Analyze general or specific aspects of developments in Greece and Europe in relation to immigration and citizenship.


The module will include interactive lectures supported, where appropriate, by texts and PowerPoint presentations; student discussions of pre-issued questions and key readings. In every seminar session selected texts will be handed out as support material and as “food for thought” for the next seminar session.

Students’ Assessment

Assessment will be through a written exam at the end of the seminars.


Bauböck R., Ersbøll E. & Waldrauch H., (eds), Acquisition and Loss of Nationality. Policies and Trends in 15 European States. Volume 1: Comparative Analyses, Άμστερνταμ, Amsterdam University Press, 2006.
Bauböck R., & Leibich A. (eds), “Is there (still) an East-West divide in the conception of citizenship in Europe?” ΕUI Working Papers,  Robert Schuman Centre – Eudo Citizenship Observatory, European University Institute, 2010/19 (προσβάσιμο και  σε
Brubaker R., Citizenship in France and Germany, Cambridge Mass: Harvard University Press, 1992.
Goodman S. W., “Integration Requirements for Integration Sake? Identifying, Categorizing and Comparing Civic Integration Policies”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 36, No 5, May 2010, σ. 753-772.
Joppke C., “Citizenship between De- and Re- Ethnicization (I)”, Archives Europeennes de Sociologie 44, 2003, σ. 429-458.
Βεντούρα Λ., «Γηγενείς/μετανάστες: Οροθέτηση και μετατόπιση κοινωνικών συνόρων» σε: Βεντούρα Λ. (επιμ.), Μετανάστευση και κοινωνικά σύνορα, Αθήνα: Νήσος, 2011, σ. 15-62.
Μπαλτσιώτης Λ., «Ιθαγένεια και πολιτογράφηση στην Ελλάδα της μετανάστευσης: (αντι)φάσεις μιας αδιέξοδης πολιτικής», σε: Παύλου Μ., & Χριστόπουλου Δ., Η Ελλάδα της μετανάστευσης – Κοινωνική συμμετοχή, δικαιώματα και ιδιότητα του πολίτη, Αθήνα, Εκδ. Κριτική, 2004, σ. 303-337.
Τάκης Α., «Αξίωση για ιθαγένεια: γιατί και πότε;» Ενθέματα, Κυριακάτικη Αυγή, 24 Ιανουαρίου 2010.
Χριστόπουλος Δ., Ποιος είναι έλληνας πολίτης; Καθεστώς της ελληνικής ιθαγένειας, Αθήνα: Εκδ. Βιβλιόραμα, 2012.
Δ. Χριστόπουλος-Γ. Κουζέλης (επιμ.),   Ιδιότητα του Πολίτη, Πολιτικός λόγος, ιστορία και κανόνες σε συγκριτικές προοπτικές, εκδ. Πατάκη 2012)