Anthropology of Health Print

Anthropology of Health – 4,5 ECTS

Manos Spyridakis

Course Description

The course aims at critically exploring biomedicine as a social and institutional phenomenon. It focuses on how the technological and cognitive progress and the dominant ideology are combined creating a field within which "medical" concepts such as sickness, healing, body, malfunction, etc., are constructed and legitimized. The fundamental objective is to explore and understand the disease as a cultural process, the comparative dimension of health in relation to other cultures outside the Western context, the showing of epistemological consequences of this comparison as well as the process through which institutional forms regarding health exercise social control and enforce social hierarchies.


Understanding of the concept of biomedicine
Understanding of the basic theoretical principles of the anthropology of health
Familiarization with the research methodology of the anthropology of health

Learning Outcomes

Ability of medical systems comparing
Ability to interpret medical and healing methods
Ability for interdisciplinary approach of the concept of health


Six (6) three-hour lectures

Students’ assessment

Written exams


Riboli, D., (2008), Tunsuriban. Ανθρωπολογική Μελέτη του Σαμανισμού των Chepang του Νοτίου και κεντρικού Νεπάλ, Αθήνα: Παπαζήσης.
Χ.Οικονόμου-Μ.Σπυριδάκης (επιμ), (2012), Ανθρωπολογικές και Κοινωνιολογικές Προσεγγίσεις της Υγείας, Αθήνα: Ι.Σιδέρης
Good B.J., (1994), Medicine, Rationality and Experience: An Anthropological Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.