Educational Programs and Health Policy Print

Educational Programs and Health Policy – 4 ECTS

Christina Karamanidou

Course Description

This course aims to highlight the necessity of education within the health care context focusing particularly on continuing and lifelong education of health care professionals (e.g. training health care professionals on e-health applications or evidence based health care) as well as on non-formal education of the public on health issues (e.g. educating the public about prevention and screening through health promotion campaigns). Effective communication between all stakeholders and groups (health policy planners, health professionals, general public) is the most important factor for the success of educational efforts within the health care context. The course comprises the following


  • Understanding basic concepts related to communication within the health care context at the community level and at an interpersonal level between specialists and non-specialists.
  • Understanding the importance of health literacy for public health and the importance of patients’ and health professionals’ education.
  • Understanding basic concepts of health promotion and the importance of methodology, content, evaluation of health promotion programs.
  • Understanding basic concepts about technology in health care and current trends in the use of technology for diagnosis and treatment, information and education, etc.
  • Understanding basic concepts such as evidence based medicine and the need for evaluation tools for health care interventions.

Learning Outcomes

Ability to understand, analyze and use the concepts related to education and communication in health care. Particular emphasis is given to the analysis of factors influencing the design of health policy.


Six (6) three-hour lectures

Students’ assessment

Written exams.


Murray, E., Lo, B., Pollack, L., Donelan, K. Catania, J., White M., Zapert K., Turner, R. (2003) The Impact of Health Information on the Internet on the Physician-Patient Relationship Patient Perceptions. Archives of Internal Medicine. 163:1727-1734.
Rao, J.K, Anderson, L. Inui, T. S. Frankel, R. M. (2007) Communication interventions make a difference in conversations between physicians and patients: a systematic review of the evidence. Medical Care. 45 (4):340-349.
Berry, D. C., Michas, I. C., Gillie, T., Forster, M. (1997) What do patients want to know about their medicines and what do doctors want to tell them? A comparative study. Psychology and Health. 12: 467-480.
Δαρβίρη Χ. (2007) Προαγωγή Υγείας. Ιατρικές Εκδόσεις Πασχαλίδη
Αναγνωστόπουλος, Φ., Καραδήμας, Ε. (2008) Υγεία και ασθένεια: Ψυχολογικές διεργασίες. Εκδοτικός Οργανισμός Λιβάνη.
Kyriopoulos, J. Constantopoulos, A. (2004) Health Systems in the world: From evidence to policy. Editor: Publishers: Papazizis