Analysis, design and development of evaluation actions Print

Analysis, design and development of evaluation actions - -5 ECTS

Lecturer: Despina Tsakiris

Course Description

The content of the course includes the following topics:

  • Assessment, Evaluation, Accountability: socio - historical approaches and conceptual boundaries.
  • Psychosocial dimensions and structures of organizations.
  • Basic design steps of the evaluation of an educational program.
  • Methods and indicators for evaluating a training program.

Designing and conducting assessment of educational programs: Case study


Objectives of the course is the acquisition of theoretical knowledge about the social and political challenges of the evaluation of educational actions and practice in planning and organizing the evaluation of an educational program.

Learning outcomes:

The students after completion of the course will be able to:

  • Analyze a request evaluation of educational programs by a contracting authority.
  • Know and to document the phases of conducting the evaluation plan of an education program.
  • Identify of goals for program evaluation
  • Choose the appropriate theoretical framework (monitoring / evaluation) and document selection.
  • Distinguish the appropriate methodological framework and document selection.
  • Prepare an evaluation plan with implementation phases of the proposed activities, work packages, the implementation schedule and budget.

Develop the reporting structure of an evaluation report


The skills acquired refer to:

  • Identify of Internet Calls (external) evaluation related educational programs.
  • Processing and formulation evaluation indicators.
  • Drafting an evaluation plan as part of a Technical Report Project.
  • The familiarity with writing an evaluation report.


Five (5) four-hour meetings with lectures and exercises of application on the part of students.

Students’ Assessment:

The evaluation is intended to prepare draft evaluation of an educational program which includes:

  • Select notice that concerns the evaluation of an educational program that suits their personal / professional interests of students.
  • Analysis of the application assessment and preparing a draft evaluation with distinct phases of development.
  • Propose evaluation project


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