Evaluation practices and educational programs Print

Evaluation practices and educational programs – 5 ECTS

Lecturer: Despina Tsakiris

Course Description

The content of the course includes the following topics:

  • Sociological studies focus on "socially tricks “ of evaluation
  • Sociological theories of evaluating school performance of students
  • Compensation policies to improve school performance of students ( Early schooling in kindergarten, day school , Flexible Zone, Remedial teaching  )

International Benchmarking of learners: The case of the PISA


The emergence of social evaluation as social "doing ", particularly as a social "trick ", through which recorded research and interpret the following practices:

  • classification of students within the educational institution
  • improve the performance of students associated with the introduction of compensatory policies (Educational Priority Zones ,early schooling , day school , flexible band booster teaching )
  • Configuration of Charter School attendance of students and parenting choices
  • International comparisons relating to acquisitions and skills of students: the program PISA.

Learning outcomes:

At the end of the course students will be able to:

  • Know and document the evaluation as a social "doing"
  • Distinguish social tricks evaluation scrutinized through empirical research in the field of "Sociology of Evaluation"
  • Describe and distinguish the differences between sociological and social considerations that interpret student assessment as a social trick.
  • Know the results of empirical research on implementation of compensation policies in European countries and to interpret them in the light of social and sociological theories.
  • Recognize the issue of parental choice in shaping the school map and interpret the educational and social challenges.

Distinguish and interpret the role of Program PISA in the orientations of globalized education system.


The skills acquired are:

  • Identify funding sources, especially electronic, bibliographic material.
  • Implement the indexing of bibliographic material.
  • Developing the skill for comparative studies on the implementation of educational policies in the field of evaluation.
  • Using the Network "Eurydice" for comparative studies.
  • Training in thematic categorization of bibliographic material and export interpretive categories.


Five ( 5) four-hour meetings with lectures and exercises of application on the part of students.

Students’ Assessment:

Preparation of a literature review on a topic which relate to one of the proposed themes of the course.
The choice of the theme of literature review requires the consent of the professor.


Ardoino, J. (1993) Evaluer, Contrôler in Se Former+Pratiques et apprentissages de   l’Education. Τσακίρη Δ. (Μετ.), No 28 :1-7.
Ardoino, J. (1976). Au filigrane  d ΄un discours : la question du controle et de l ΄evuluation. Πρόλογος στο Morin, M. , (1976). L ΄imaginaire dans l΄ education permanente, Gauthier-Villars , I-XXXIX. Στο : Bonniol, J.J. & Vial , M. (2007) . Τα  μοντέλα της αξιολόγησης .Αθήνα : Μεταίχμιο.
Ball, S., Bowe, R. and Gewirtz, S., (1995). Circuits of schooling: A sociological exploration of parental choice in social class contexts Sociological Review 43, pp.52–78
Ball, S., (1999) The market form in United Kingdom Education: information, values and political control in La Revue Tocqueville/The Tocqueville Review, Vol. XX, no 2, p89-100.
Ball, S., (2008) The education debate The Policy Press: University of Bristol
Broadfoot, P. (1996), Education, Assessment and Society, Buckingham, OU Press
Bourdieu, P. & Passeron, J.-C. (1990) Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture, London: Sage.
Καστοριάδης, Κ. (2010). Η φαντασιακή θέσπιση της κοινωνίας. Ιγ’ έκδοση. Αθήνα: Κέδρος
Λάμνιας, Κ. (1997) «Η αξιολόγηση του μαθητή ανάδειξη διαφοροποιημένων σημασιοδο-τήσεων της έννοιας», Παιδαγωγική Επιθεώρηση, τχ. 26, σελ. 7-36
Merle, P., (1999), Les indicateurs de pilotage des établissements scolaires en France in La Revue Tocqueville/The Tocqueville Review, Vol. XX, no 2, p45-69
Merle P., (1998), Sociologie de l’évaluation scolaire, Paris : PUF
Raveaud Maroussia - Zanten van, Agnès, (2007). Choosing the local school: middle class parents’ values and social and ethnic mix in London and Paris. Journal of Education Policy, 22:1, 107-124.
Τσακίρη Δ., (1999), «Το φαντασιακό διακύβευμα στον σχολικό έλεγχο : σκιαγράφηση μιας Προσέγγισης», Νέα Παιδεία, 92 : 64 -78
Τσακίρη Δ., (2009).  «Οι κοινωνικές φαντασιακές σημασίες των χωρικών πρακτικών στην εκπαίδευση : η περίπτωση της διαμόρφωσης του σχολικού χάρτη φοίτησης των μαθητών» στο Σπυριδάκης Ε (επιμ) Μετασχηματισμοί του χώρου: Κοινωνικές και πολιτισμικές διαστάσεις, Αθήνα: Νήσος: 397-425.
Φουκώ, Μ. (2007). Επιτήρηση και τιμωρία. Η γέννηση της φυλακής (Μτφρ. Κ. Χατζηδήμου & Ι. Ράλλη). Αθήνα: Κέδρος.
Zanten, van Agnès. (2009). Choisir son école. Stratégies familiales et médiations locales Presses Universitaires de France
Zanten, van Agnès - Obin, Jean-Pierre. (2008). La carte scolaire,  Presses Universitaires de France.