Law: an introduction Print

Y2 - Law: An Introduction

Tutor: Michael Fefes

Semester: 1st


Short Description:

This course examines the necessary concepts that shall lead to the comprehension of basic elements of the legal science.More specifically, it deals with the concepts of law, legal rule, categories and division of law and sources of law. It also examines basic issues of constitutional law such as the nature of the Greek political system, the division of powers, civil rights and court organisation.The course goes on to examine basic principles of administrative law (administrative act, administrative organ, protection from abusive acts, etc.), criminal law (crime, accountability, dolus, etc.), and civil law (legal subject, right, obligation, tort, liability, damage, indemnity, ownership, pledge, mortgage, marriage, inheritance, etc.).Finally, the course visits basic elements of commercial law (acts, companies, trademarks, etc.) and labour law (employment contract, collective agreements, strikes, etc.).


  • To help students understand and become familiar with the above notions and concepts;
  • To help students comprehend the practical importance of the above notions and concepts, so that they will be able to have a basic guidance in their professional life.

Learning Outcomes:

Students completing the course should:

  • Have developed their knowledge as to the role of the state and the internal legal system;
  • Be able to comprehend the procedure of lawmaking and its practical importance;
  • Have developed the ability to realise which area of law applies to their owncases.


13 three-hour interactive lectures.The first part is an introductive tutorial, followed by discussion with the students on issues pertaining to that or previous tutorials.


Written exam at the end of the semester.


M. Fefes (2004) Introduction to Law, Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens,