Introduction to Educational Policy Print

Y10 -Introduction to Education Policy

Tutor: Yiouli Papadiamantaki

Semester: 2nd


Short Description:

Introduction to basic concepts of education policy and its relation to other public policy fields (economic, foreign and social policy). The transition from an era of Keynesian policies and educational planning, to an era of monetarism and the development of educational programmes is used to highlight the relationship between the education system, the state and the international context. Here the students are introduced to Foucault’s basic concepts. Issues of organisation and administration of an education system are discussed and concepts of organisation and neo-institutional theories are introduced.


The students should be able to understand and critically analyse:
(a) The relation of education policy to other public policy fields.
(b) The state – education system – international system relationship.
(c) Basic concepts of organisation theory, neo-institutional theory and Foucault’s structural analysis

Learning Outcomes:

Development of generic competences: understanding, critical analysis, synthesis and comparison of basic concepts.
Development of basic skills (IT skills, use of PowerPoint, organisation and presentation of information). Development of writing skills/composition


13 three-hour lectures.


Written examination which comprises two open questions, multiple choice questions and true-false questions. Students may improve their final grade by up to 20% through an optional written assignment of 1500 words max.


Karakatsani D. and Y. Papadiamantaki (eds.), (2012) Current Issues of Education Policy: in search of the “New School”, Epikentro, Thessaloniki.
Stamelos, G. (2009) Education Policy, Dionikos, Αthens.
Zmas, Α. (2007), Globalisation and Education Policy, Metaichmio, Athens.