Introduction to Criminology Print

Y19 - Introduction to Criminology

Tutor: Theodoros Papatheodorou

Semester: 2nd


Short Description:

This course focuses on classical and modern theories on crime and the criminal. The course comprises three units-sections, as follows:

  • Crime as a social phenomenon: theoretical approaches
  • The two sides of crime: the criminal and the victim
  • Structure and visions of criminal policy


Attention is paid to the analysis of contemporary forms of crime and the law-enforcement mechanisms that have been established at national, European and international levels.

Learning Outcomes:

Students completing the course should be able to understand the complexity of crime and thus the demanding, if intriguing, challenge to explain its many sides. The study of criminological theories will help students remember the importance of contextualizing the crime phenomenon and approaching it as a social construction.


13 three-hour lectures


Written or oral exams at the end of the semester.
Another 10% for the preparation/presentation of papers on a voluntary basis.


Karydis V. (2010), Visions of Social Control in Greece. Moral Panics, Criminal Justice, Sakkoulas, Athens.
Lazos G. (2007), Critical Criminology, Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens.