Evaluation and Applied Education Policies Print

ΚEΠ4 - Evaluation and Applied Education Policies

Tutor: Despina Tsakiris

Semester: 7th
ECTS: 4.5

Short Description:

Work on a research project by groups of students in order to explore an education policy that focuses on the issues studied by the cognitive area of "Evaluation in Education" and include

  • Assessing persons (students, teachers, directors of School Units, School Counsellors, etc.)
  • Evaluating actions (self-evaluation, evaluation of teacher training program, evaluation of educational programs, etc.).


  • To familiarise students with the design and implementation of studies of education policies in the field of evaluation which have been established and implemented.
  • helping with issues around the research process evaluation in education through a teaching methodology based on collaborative work patterns.

Learning Outcomes:

After completion of the course students will be able:

  • To define and process a matter in the field of educational evaluation.
  • Describe and analyze an institutional framework.
  • Identify literature relevant to the object of their research project.
  • Know and apply all stages in the development of a research project.
  • Prepare a research paper on the subject under study.

The skills acquired refer to:

  • Developing a research project in the scientific area of  education assessment through cooperative forms of work.
  • The use of ICTs, especially the Wiki project as teamwork.
  • Writing a scientific paper.
  • The presentation and documentation of each stage of work in public.


13 three-hour meetings: The course is in the form of a laboratory and attendance is mandatory, with max. three (3) absences allowed.


Evaluation is done on group level through the team project which reflects the course development and the result of the chosen object of study. However, in addition to the final "product" the overall participation of the student is taken into account and reflected in the grade of each student.


Bonniol, J.J., & Vial, M. (2007). Les modèles de l'évaluation (textes fondateurs et commentaires). Athens: Metaichmio.
Creswell, J. W. (2011) Research in education. Planning , conducting and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research . Athens: Ion / Ellin
Mouzelis, N. ( 2009), Organization and Bureaucracy: Analysis of modern theories (2nd ed.). Athens - Thessaloniki: Sakkoula.
Papadakis, E. (2009). Educational policy. Education policy as social policy? (4th ed.) Athens: Ellinika Grammata.
Robson, C. (2007), Real World Research: A Resource for Social Scientists and Practitioner-Researchers, Athens: Gutenberg.
Tsakiris, D. (2007) "Assessment in Education: Diversity and complexity of new demands and situations in educational practice - Research findings and perspectives”, 4th National Conference of the Greek Pedagogical Institute of Applied Learning, Athens, 4-6 /05/2007, pp. 372-379;http://www.elliepek.gr/Documents/4o_Synedrio_Eisigiseis/372_379.pdf
Tsivakou, J. (Ed.) (1995), Action and system. Modern approaches to the theory of organizations. Athens: Themelio