(13-12-2012) Συμμετοχή του τμήματος στο πρόγραμμα “Enhancement of Quality Assurance System through professional development of academic leaders" Print
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Συμμετοχή του τμήματος Κοινωνικής και Εκπαιδευτικής Πολιτικής στο πρόγραμμα “Enhancement of Quality Assurance System through professional development of academic leaders"

Υπεύθυνες για το πρόγραμμα

Γ. Παπαδιαμαντάκη,

Δ. Καρακατσάνη



Qapd Tempus www.qapd.uz   516996-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-GB-TEMPUS-SMGR


International Conference in Samarkand “Enhancement of Quality Assurance System through professional development of academic leaders (26.11.2012)

The QAPD Conference was held on 26 November in  Samarkand within the TEMPUS project “Enhancement of Quality Assurance System through professional development of academic leaders”.

The participants of the conference:  European partners from Great Britain- London Metropolitan University, from Greece – University Pelloponez, from Lithuania - Vitautas Magnus University, the Director of the British Council Mr. McNalty, the Rector of Samarkand Institute of foreign languages, the Rector of Bukhara State University, and also heads and members of project  teams from University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Samarkand Institute of Foreign Languages, Samarkand Institute of Economy and Service, Bukhara State University, Karshi State University and representatives of the Samarkand higher  institutions.

After welcome speech of the Rectors of SamIFL, BSU and the Director of British Council, Project coordinator Alex Kruglov, from London Metropolitan University and the national coordinator G. N. Irmukhamedova from  UWED  told about the current achievements of the project and emphasized the importance of development of projects for each team.

Digby Warren from London Metropolitan University, in his presentation  focused on  Professional development of academic leaders and on Recommendations on Quality Assurance Centres: leading the enhancement of QA systems across universities. Despina Karakatsani  from Peloponnese University made a presentation on  University Recommendations on Quality Assurance Manual.

There were 5 presentations  prepared by each project team:

  • Modernisation of Tour Operating module (SamISI - Dilbar Arslanova)
  • “Enhancement of learning programme for Educational Management module  (using blended learning  (Uchkun Dustov)
  • Curriculum redesign of qualification practice – English Philology (BSU - Aziza Yunusov)   
  • Improvement of the course theory and the practice of translation (KarSU – Gulnoza Odilova)
  • Modernisation of Culture Studies module (KarSU – Nasiba Azizova)
  • Redesign of independent work (SamIFL – Shermatov Akram)  

Each presentation was discussed and assessed by the European supervisors and  conference participants. Thus key issues on QA Centres and Manual and  team  projects were analysed, and further steps and  way forward were discussed. The  project coordinators and team leaders made an action plan.