

Website where, after being identified and notified by the Secretariat of the Department, you are provided with instructions for activating your institutional account and technical support instructions for any problem you encounter in the operation of your institutional account.


Website where you activate your institutional account, after being notified by the Department Secretariat.


Website where you log in with your institutional account, manage your institutional account password and set a new password in case of loss.


Website where you log in with your institutional account, and which provides you with your academic mail and digital tools in Google Workspace.


Website where you log in with your institutional account, and which provides you with office365 digital services. The University purchases annual office365 licenses; you can install office applications on up to five computers, five tablets and mobile phone devices (more https://di.uop.gr/images/odigies-office-365.pdf).


The electronic Registrar’s website where you log in with your institutional account, register by semester the courses you will be taking, check for course grades and request certificates from the Department.


Website where you can log in with your institutional account and view the courses you have registered for in each semester. The site provides access to lecturers’ announcements, course materials, etc.